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Binahong is one of the plants that can prevent and help increase strength in the body. Many people do not know that the Binahongplant is a medicinal plant that is efficacious. Many people only think of Binahong as a vine that fills the place.

Everyone who has Binahong plants, instead of taking care of them, throws them away and cleans them from the yard of the house. After a while, theBinahong plant began to be known by many people as a medicinal plant. Did you know that Binahongis a plant from China, Korea, and many other places? Thebigtriceonline

Plant Characteristics

A medicinal plant that apparently existed in ancient times. Binahongcan be easily planted anywhere. In theBinahong section, you can take the roots and seeds and develop them or cultivate them into medicinal plants. To preserve Binahongcan be said not to be tricky and easy to plant.

The stem on Binahong is very soft. The center of the trunk has a cylindrical shape. The color of the stem on the Binahong plant is red. Stems that have smooth surfaces that form tubers. Did you know that the Binahong plant has a short stem in the middle?

The benefits

Green leaves with a heart-shaped motif. The leaves have a thin and limp texture. There are many benefits that you can get inBinahong, namely:

been around for quite a while//nutritious
  • ambient
  • Pimple
  • Diarrhea
  • Burns
  • Increase appetite and much more

Another benefit of theBinahong plant. If the wound is deep, you can take the Binahong leaves to clean and eat them directly or boil them.

Doctor consultation

As for external medicine, you can pound the plant and attach the pounded plant to the open wound. To consume Bihanong, you also shouldn’t be careless. Consult a doctor so as not to overdose.