The difference between Korean and Javanese ginseng plants

The difference between Korean and Javanese ginseng plants

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The difference between Korean and Javanese ginseng plants

The difference between Korean and Javanese ginseng plants can be seen in the shape and type of flowers. Hearing the word ginseng, of course, many people think of the Steps plant. Ginseng is a plant that has many unexpected properties. Plants that can heal and also make the body healthy and fit again.

In general, there are two types of ginseng, namely Korean ginseng, and Javanese ginseng. Ordinary people might think that ginseng only exists in Korea. It turns out that in parts of Asia, ginseng is also found in Java. It’s just that the name that is often called and often known is only in Korean ginseng.

Can be found in other regions

Thebigtriceonline – But did you know that ginseng in Java can also help warm the body and nourish the body? Apart from Java, it turns out that there are also other countries that can also produce ginseng. Ginseng can not just grow. In different climates, the results of ginseng obtained are also different. It is very easy to affect the growth of Korean ginseng.

Even though they are both ginseng, there are differences between ginseng in Korea and Java. To tell the difference, you can see the shape of the ginseng and the leaves. Of course, you are not curious about these differences. here are some of the differences:

Korean Ginseng

  • It has roots that extend and also dangle
  • Korean ginseng root is shorter than Javanese ginseng
  • If you find ginseng with a whitish-red color, it means Korean ginseng
  • Korean ginseng leaves are rather wide
same properties different forms//ratio

Javanese ginseng

  • The roots are round and straight
  • The size of Javanese ginseng is longer than forty to sixty centimeters
  • The color of Javanese ginseng is brown
  • For Javanese ginseng leaves, they are slightly spiky in shape
  • The leaves will close when not exposed to light